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About Events
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Events are a collection of metadata and relevant media (video clips and images) that are sent to the cloud for viewing and analysis by an administrator. Events are triggered based on specific behaviors that are observed during driving that might be dangerous. Examples include distracted driving such as using a cell phone or eating while driving, and more risky behaviors including tailgating, acceleration, and more. When triggered, the driver receives alerts in-cab and the events are uploaded to the cloud and stored for 31 days.

  • By default, distracted driving events are uploaded to the cloud only if the driver hasn't changed their behavior once initially alerted.

  • Events can be configured to upload as text, snapshots, or videos.

  • Most events, with the exception of MV+AI events, are immediately uploaded to the cloud when they happen, and stored for 31 days. MV+AI events are uploaded to the cloud if the driver behavior continues for a certain length of time.

  • Video events capture 5 seconds before and after the event occurs. The data tracked for each event includes the type of event, the date and time of the event, the location of the event, and the speed of the vehicle during the event.


The maximum length of event videos is approximately 10 seconds for a normal event. There is no specific limit for virtual events.


If there is a loss of cellular connection, up to 4 hours of GPS points and 1 GB of event media are saved in the dashcam's internal memory. The amount of media that can be saved depends on the file format and event settings. When the cellular connection is restored this information is sent to the cloud and regular uploads continue.

From the Events area, you can set the kinds of email notifications you want to receive from each dashcam and who to alert, and you can view driving statistics and events received from each dashcam.

To access Events:

Log into the Surfsight Portal and from the navigation bar, click i-events.png.

The Events area loads. When you select one of the dashcams the main window loads with relevant data.


The following table describes the different components of the Events area:





Events pane

Search and browse for relevant dashcams. Click on a dashcam and the pane (as in the image) lists all related events.



When the Events area first loads, the list of dashcams loads.

When you've selected a specific dashcam, Date Filter and Events Filter are available.



Displays event data related to the selected dashcams.

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